LoanFinder Home Loans does not sell or give away your info. Every conversation and detail you provide us is confidential.


If you are applying for a new home mortgage, your voicemail and email inbox may be targeted by solicitors offering you a home mortgage from their lending company. This can be frustrating and confusing as you did not opt-in for these individuals to have your information. This will automatically happen with any new credit inquiry from any lender in the U.S. for a new home mortgage. It’s the …law? Yes, that’s right.

Here’s what’s happening

A federal law allows creditors to identify and target potential customers from one of the major credit bureaus after the customer’s credit has been ran. Once they receive your info from one of the major credit bureaus, the creditors know that you are a qualified individual looking for a mortgage. It is your right to receive other offers, BUT it is also your right to opt-out if you so choose.

Here at LoanFinder Home Loans, we completely disagree with this law and believe this should be an opt-in rather than an option-out (believe us, we. would prefer not having you receive calls from competition after we have established working together). Despite what we would prefer, this is the law and encourage you to proceed with the lender that has your best interest in mind.

To STOP any solicitors, act here:

Customers may choose to enroll in the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s National Do Not Call Registry. If you do not respond, these calls typically filter out within 2 weeks. At anytime, please reach out with any questions.